Hello First Trimester of Pregnancy!

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! This is such an exciting (although overwhelming) time so try to live in the moment and enjoy the miracle that it is to be pregnant!

The first trimester of pregnancy is a unique, confusing, exciting, and scary journey for expectant mothers. It marks the beginning of one of the most beautiful miracles where your body undergoes insane changes to sustain the growing life inside you. 

But, you came here I’m sure for the tea on what symptoms you might experience in the first trimester of pregnancy or ways to help the symptoms you’re already experiencing (like what can i take for constipation while pregnant first trimester). 

Let’s jump into the most common first trimester pregnancy symptoms, including cramping in the first trimester (because that scares us all), and give a few tips to hopefully help manage them.

First Trimester Weeks

The first trimester typically spans from week 1 to week 13 of your pregnancy. During the first trimester the baby's major organs and systems begin to form and your body goes through CRAZY changes to support the developing fetus. It's common to experience a very wide range of symptoms.

Also pleaseeee know that the presence or lack of certain symptoms compared to someone else is NOT a definitive indicator of the health of your pregnancy.

First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms

Morning Sickness: We have all heard of the infamous first trimester morning sickness symptom! Nausea and vomiting are some of the hallmark symptoms of the first trimester. These symptoms are often mislabeled as “morning” sickness and can happen at any time of the day or night. The good news is that they usually subside by the end of the first trimester.

Personally, I had the nauseous feeling but never the vomiting (I know I was SO lucky and very grateful). But, this actually made me so scared something was wrong because I had always heard of how sick you are in the first trimester. So it really freaked me out. Turns out, some pregnancies just don’t experience it.

But what can help manage morning sickness?

  • Eat small snacks frequently. I had crackers on my nightstand to eat as soon as I woke up to try and help manage the nausea.

  • Peppermint tea. I drank peppermint tea every single night for 3 solid months and it did help some. And it was also just cozy to drink in bed.

  • Vitamin B6 & Unisom. I talked about this in my 15 Things To Do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant blog post that talks about this but my doctor suggested taking this combination if I was really feeling the morning sickness symptom. She suggested 10-25mg of Vitamin B6 3 times a day every 6-8 hours and 25mg of Unisom before bed at night.

  • Nausea bands. I tried these and for me they didn’t seem to make a ton of difference but several friends of mine say it helped them a TON! So, maybe it’s worth trying if you’re struggling with nausea.

  • Make sure to stay hydrated! If I didn’t drink enough water, I would feel way more nauseous. Take small sips all day because it will be so hard to drink a lot of water to catch up and that will probably make you feel more sick. I just recently got this water bottle and I love it so much! I love that I know I need to drink 3 of them and I should be good to go! AND they have super cute stickers to put on the water bottle throughout your pregnancy.

Exhaustion: The surge in hormones, like progesterone, can cause you to be so tired. Increased progesterone combined with more blood volume and other hormone shifts leads to that exhaustion you feel. Your body is working hard to nurture your growing baby! Make sure to get plenty of rest and listen to your body's signals.

I took naps every single day after work for like an hour and a half because I physically could not stay awake! I know not everyone has that freedom whether you have more kids or just a super busy life. So try to find the times you can take a minute and rest.

Breast Changes: An increase in estrogen and progesterone can cause your breasts to become tender, swollen, and sometimes painful. This lasted from right before I found out to about 10 weeks. Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything that seemed to help but having a comfortable & cozy bra can help alleviate some discomfort. For me, that was living in sports bras!

Frequent Urination: So I thought having to pee 24/7 would come MUCH later on in pregnancy. But, it started pretty immediately for me. From my research, I found out that increased progesterone and HCG cause you to have to go more often! Not just your uterus expanding, which adds to the issue for sure. Stay hydrated, but be prepared for increased bathroom breaks.

Food Aversions and Cravings: Your taste buds may go through some weird phases during the first trimester. You might suddenly develop aversions to foods you used to love or experience really strong cravings. As long as you're also making nutritious choices, it’s okay to give in to your cravings occasionally.

Constipation: Once again, hormonal shifts and changes can cause constipation in early pregnancy. This for sure happened to me and I won’t lie…there was like 2-3 days I literally could not go. It was wild. Make sure you stay hydrated, eat plenty of fiber, and if you need more help you can start with Metamucil, Colace occasionally, or Milk of Magnesia…this is what my doctor suggested but please check with your doctor first before taking anything!

Cramping in the First Trimester: THIS ONE! I had no idea this could be a normal pregnancy symptom and it freaked me out SO BAD! So many women experience mild cramping during the early stages of pregnancy due to the stretching of the uterine muscles and the implantation of the embryo. The best way I can describe it is like pulling, twingy pains. If it’s severe pain or comes with bleeding please call your doctor. Always err on the safe side if you feel concerned at all. 

While these are some of the common symptoms, there are so many more you might experience and some of these you may never experience. Every woman and every pregnancy is different so try not to freak yourself out comparing symptoms like I did.

Embrace the changes, take care of yourself, and cherish the incredible transformation happening within you. You are embarking on an amazing adventure, and the best is yet to come.

Make sure to get your FREE bundle that comes with the ‘Just Found Out’ Checklist, Birth Plan Template, and 26 Printable Baby Milestone Cards!


Get your FREE  ‘Just Found Out’ checklist for new pregnancy,  a Birth Plan Template, and 26 printable Milestone Cards for those precious photoshoots with your baby!


    Morning sickness - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic. (2022, September 28).

    A. (2021, December 9). Fatigue During Pregnancy. American Pregnancy Association.,responsible%20for%20making%20you%20sleepy.


